Foursquare API, searching tips result order

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I'm searching all tips at a certain location with a keyword. this is the call:,12.5&query=donuts&client_id=CLIENT_ID&client_secret=CLIENT_SECRET&v=VERSION I would like to know how those tips are ordered?

Since I'm getting just a part of all tips (up to 500) I can't order them by distance, because there may be other tips in the upcoming 500 more that could be closer. Is there a way to get tips ordered by distance?

The API doesn't report the total number of tips, we can't implement a solid paging system. How can I get to know the total number of tips?


There are 1 answers

Ponf On

You can add such parameter as radius, to show closer venues:,12.5&query=donuts&client_id=CLIENT_ID&client_secret=CLIENT_SECRET&v=VERSION&radius=1000