Found 2 files with the path - migration liquibase from 3.7.0 to 4.15.0

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I am migrating a spring boot app from 2.1.8.RELEASE to 2.7.7. I am getting a liquibase error when running integrations tests with h2.

Caused by: Found 2 files with the path '../sqlFiles/file_name.sql'

- file:/C:/yy/yy/target/test-classes/config/liquibase/sqlFiles/file_name.sql    

- file:/C:/yy/yy/target/classes/config/liquibase/sqlFiles/file_name.sql

I tried spring.liquibase.duplicateFileMode=WARN >>> does not work.

Liquibase-maven-plugin is excluded from test context, but I still get this error ?


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