I have a Python script that reads an html into lines, and then filters out the relevant lines before saving those lines back as html file. I had some problems till I figured out that a /
in the page text was being converted to /
when saved as a string.
The source html that I'm parsing through has the following line:
<h3 style="text-align:left">SYDNEY/KINGSFORD SMITH (YSSY)</h3>
which when passing through the file.readlines() would come out as:
<h3 style='text-align:left'>SYDNEY/BANKSTOWN (YSBK)</h3>
which then trips up the beautifulsoup because that then gets confused with the "&" symbol tripping up all subsequent tags.
What I'm interested in is to know if this replacement value "/" is platform independent or not?
It's not hard to run a .replace
prior to saving each string, avoiding the issue now that I'm coding and testing on windows, but will it still work if I deploy my script on a linux server?
Here's what I have now, which works fine when run under windows:
def getHTML(self,html_source):
with open(html_source, 'r') as file:
source_lines = file.readlines()
relevant = False
relevant_lines = []
for line in source_lines:
if "</table>" in line:
relevant = False
if self.airport in line:
relevant = True
if relevant:
line = line.replace("/", " ")
filename = f"{html_source[:-5]}_{self.airport}.html"
with open(filename, 'w') as file:
with open(filename, 'r') as file:
relevant_html = file.read()
return relevant_html
Can anyone tell me, without having to install a virtual machine with linux, if this will work cross-platform? I tried to look for documentation on this, but all I could find was about ways to explicitly escape a /
when entering a string, nothing documenting how to deal with /
or other invalid characters being read when reading a source file into strings.
It should be OK everywhere, it is a standard. See https://www.w3schools.com/charsets/ref_html_ascii.asp