Fortran code executes under Intel and GNU, fails under Cray

163 views Asked by At

I have made this program as simple as I can:

module buffers
complex(8), allocatable :: iobuff(:,:)
end module buffers

program useAllocate

use buffers

integer(kind=4) :: rc=0
character(len=16) :: instr

integer(kind=8) :: abwds
integer(kind=4) :: anbs

call get_command_argument(1, instr)
read(instr,*) abwds
call get_command_argument(2, instr)
read(instr,*) anbs

call allocateBuffers(abwds, anbs, rc)

end program

SUBROUTINE allocateBuffers(arg_buff_wds, arg_num_buffs, retcode)

use buffers


integer(kind=8), INTENT(in)  :: arg_buff_wds
integer(kind=4), INTENT(in)  :: arg_num_buffs
integer(kind=4), INTENT(out) :: retcode

print *,'allocating iobuff ', arg_buff_wds,'X',arg_num_buffs
ALLOCATE(iobuff(arg_buff_wds, arg_num_buffs), stat = retcode)
print *,'iobuff allocated'
print *,'iobuff has shape ',shape(iobuff)
print *,'iobuff freed'

END SUBROUTINE allocateBuffers

It works just fine under an Intel or a GNU build:

> ./a.out 3 3
allocating iobuff                      3 X           3
iobuff allocated
iobuff has shape            3           3
iobuff freed

But Cray Fortran, for some reason can't handle the allocate:

> ./a.out 3 3
allocating iobuff  3 X 3
Illegal instruction (core dumped)

Anyone have any idea why?

(NOTES: The complex(8) type of iobuff is not the problem; the code fails with the same error no matter what type I define iobuff to be. Note that the various types of the variables come from the much bigger code I am really trying to understand.)


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