Formatting unnumbered chapters in TOC

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I have a document with both numbered and unnumbered chapters. To distinguish them from each other in the TOC I would like the unnumbered chapters to be in italic. My MWE works on the chapter title - how can I format the corresponding page number in italic?

Also, is it possible to centre the Part 1 entry?

\documentclass[a4paper, 12pt]{report}



\part{Part 1}

\chapter{Numbered chapter}

\chapter*{Unnumbered chapter}
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\textit{Unnumbered chapter}}


There are 1 answers


You can write what is naturally done by \addcontentsline manually using \addtocontents{toc}:

enter image description here





\chapter{Numbered chapter}

\chapter*{Unnumbered chapter}
  {\protect\contentsline{chapter}{\textit{Unnumbered chapter}}{\textit{\thepage}}}


The above should work for \chapters since they are typically set on a new page and therefore \thepage would result in the correct value. However, it does not work with hyperref.

Alternatively, define a new type of ToC-entry called chapterstar:



% \patchcmd{<cmd>}{<search>}{<replace>}{<success>}{<failure>}
\patchcmd{\l@chapterstar}{\cftchapfont}{\cftchapstarfont}{}{}% Insert starred chapter font
\patchcmd{\l@chapterstar}{#2}{\cftchapstarpagefont #2}{}{}% Insert starred chapter page number font




\chapter{Numbered chapter}

\chapter*{Unnumbered chapter}
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapterstar}{Unnumbered chapter}


The above solution works with hyperref and is more generic.