Formatting multiple query returns as a JSON object

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I am using JavaScript and neo4j-driver to save a node and some relations to my graph. Everything works as expected, but I would like to read the results of my write and output it in a specific format afterwards, which I am having trouble with. For now I have only managed to return all of the variables inside my query, but I would like the output to be in this specific format:

  "colors: [
        hex: c.hex
        hex: c.hex

This is my code so far, any help is appreciated:

export const savePallete = async (palette: Palette) => {
  if (!! === false) {
    throw Error("Palette name required!");

  const writeQuery = `MERGE (p:Palette {name: $name})
   ON CREATE SET = $name
   FOREACH (color IN $colors |
   MERGE (c:Color {hex: color.hex})
   ON CREATE SET c.hex = color.hex
   CREATE (p)-[i:INCLUDES]->(c))
  await session.writeTransaction((tx) =>, { name:, colors: palette.colors })

  const readQuery = `
    MATCH (p:Palette)
    WHERE = $name
    MATCH (p)-[:INCLUDES]->(c:Color)
    RETURN *
  const readResult = await session.readTransaction((tx) =>, { name: })
  return readResult;

As an example, if I call savePallete with this object as the argument, I would want to to get back the same result:

    "name": "First test palette",
    "colors": [
            "hex": "#123123"
            "hex": "#ffffff"
            "hex": "#000000"

There are 1 answers

nimrod serok On BEST ANSWER

One way to do it is to replace your readQuery with (last 2 lines are different):

    MATCH (p:Palette)
    WHERE = $name
    MATCH (p)-[:INCLUDES]->(c:Color)
    WITH COLLECT({hex: c.hex}) AS colors, p
    RETURN {name:, colors: colors}

This will collect the colors` hex as a JSON and will return a JSON format.

When using sample data:

MERGE (a:Palette {name: "First test palette"})
MERGE (b:Color {hex: "#123123"})
MERGE (c:Color {hex: "#ffffff"})
MERGE (d:Color {hex: "#000000"})
MERGE (a)-[:INCLUDES]-(c) 
MERGE (a)-[:INCLUDES]-(d) 

it returns your expected results