I am creating a dynamic list of placeholder
s, some of the values held in these place holders are decimal numbers that are supposed to represent money.
What I'm wondering is if there is a way I can format them to display as such?
Something like [[+MoneyField:formatmoney]]
I see http://rtfm.modx.com/revolution/2.x/making-sites-with-modx/customizing-content/input-and-output-filters-(output-modifiers) but I do not see a way to do this here.
You most definitely can, under the header "Creating a Custom Output Modifier" on the link you posted it's described how you can place a snippet name as a output modifier. This snippet will recieve the
value in a variable called$input
.So you'd have to create this custom snippet which could be as simple as
Another version of doing this is calling the snippet directly instead of as an output modifier like so:
I'm not sure if theres any difference between the two in this case. Obviously you can pass any value into the number format snippet when calling it as a snippet instead of an output modifier. And i'm sure theres a microsecond of performance difference in the two but i'm afraid i don't know which one would win. ;)
Update: Actually found the exact example you want to implement on this link; http://rtfm.modx.com/revolution/2.x/making-sites-with-modx/customizing-content/input-and-output-filters-%28output-modifiers%29/custom-output-filter-examples
Used as output modifier: