I've got a list of elapsed times in minutes and I'm trying to reformat them as strings of weeks, days, hours and minutes.
So, for example, 7,480 minutes = 3 weeks, 4 hours and 40 minutes.
I'd like the format to be like so: '3w4h40m'
Using divmod
I've written a function to break the minutes down into weeks, days, hours and minutes and return the string:
def formattime(time):
tl = [divmod(divmod(divmod(time,60)[0],8)[0],5)[0],divmod(divmod(divmod(time,60)[0],8)[0],5)[1],divmod(divmod(time,60)[0],8)[1],divmod(time,60)[1]]
timestring = str(tl[0])+'w'+str(tl[1])+'d'+str(tl[2])+'h'+str(tl[3])+'m'
return timestring
However, I don't want it to return a figure for any of weeks, days, hours or minutes if the number is zero:
>>> formattime(7480)
Is there a pythonic and straightforward way of returning '3w4h40m'
You could filter out the components at 0 if you had a list of them: