Form with JQuery Steps using aui:form tag in Liferay submits no data

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I built a portlet and added a entity named Idea. There are two JSPs, one is the view and one the edit. In the view there is only a button to create a new Idea and a table showing all ideas. Clicking on the button shows the edit jsp.

There is a form with two fieldsets and input stuff. The "problem" is i cannot use the <aui:form ... stuff because it won't work with JQuery steps (or better, i cannot get it working). So i am using normal tag and also JQuery steps is providing the submit button which is only a <a href="#finish" ...>. So that wont bring the form to submit and the data being in the database. So I tried to do it within the javascript code of the definition of jquery steps like here:

var form = $("#wizard").show();

       headerTag : "h3",
       bodyTag : "fieldset",
       transitionEffect : "slideLeft",
       onFinishing: function (event, currentIndex) {

            var data = jQuery("#wizard").serialize();
       onFinished: function (event, currentIndex) {
           //I tried also here..


But even if i declare the data explicitely it wont put it in the db. So my idea was that the "controller" class which calls the "addIdea" function is never called. How am I solving the problem?

Here is also my jsp code for the form part:

<aui:form id="wizard" class="wizard" action="<%= editIdeaURL %>" method="POST" name="fm">
        <aui:input name="redirect" type="hidden" value="<%= redirect %>" />

        <aui:input name="ideaId" type="hidden" value='<%= idea == null ? "" : idea.getIdeaId() %>'/>

        <aui:input name="ideaName" />
     <h3>Idea desc</h3>
         <aui:input name="ideaDescription" />


         <aui:button type="submit" />

         <aui:button onClick="<%= viewIdeaURL %>"  type="cancel" />

Is there a way to "teach" JQuery Steps the <aui:*** tags? I tried it already while initializing the form but it won't work. To get it working using the aui tags would be great. Because otherwise the Liferay portal wont get the data or it would get it only with hacks right?

€dit: What I forgot, when I submit the form using javascript submit, it creates a new dataentry in the db but no actual data in it.


The editIdeaURL is referenced a bit over the form here:

<portlet:actionURL name='<%=idea == null ? "addIdea" : "updateIdea"%>'
    var="editIdeaURL" windowState="normal" />

and the addIdea code looks as follows:

In the IdeaCreation class first this:

public void addIdea(ActionRequest request, ActionResponse response)
        throws Exception {


    sendRedirect(request, response);

Where _updateIdea() is:

private Idea _updateIdea(ActionRequest request)
        throws PortalException, SystemException {

    long ideaId = (ParamUtil.getLong(request, "ideaId"));
    String ideaName = (ParamUtil.getString(request, "ideaName"));
    String ideaDescription = (ParamUtil.getString(request, "ideaDescription"));

    ServiceContext serviceContext = ServiceContextFactory.getInstance(
            Idea.class.getName(), request);

    Idea idea = null;

    if (ideaId <= 0) {
        idea = IdeaLocalServiceUtil.addIdea(
                serviceContext.getScopeGroupId(), ideaName, ideaDescription,
    } else {
        idea = IdeaLocalServiceUtil.getIdea(ideaId);

        idea = IdeaLocalServiceUtil.updateIdea(
                serviceContext.getUserId(), ideaId, ideaName, ideaDescription,

    return idea;

And to finally put the data using IdeaLocalServiceImpl:

public Idea addIdea(
        long userId, long groupId, String ideaName, String ideaDescription,
        ServiceContext serviceContext)
throws PortalException, SystemException {

    User user = userPersistence.findByPrimaryKey(userId);

    Date now = new Date();

    long ideaId =

    Idea idea = ideaPersistence.create(ideaId);




    return idea;

Any ideas?


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