I have one spring boot app which contains spring security with formLogin being added and custom loginPage . Whenever I get authenticated then it will send me to the defaultSuccessUrl which is /app/dashboard and it sends with the schema http I been trying all day to just make the successUrl schema to be https just tweaking some changes on application.properties and sometimes with Bean but i am still not able to make it happen. My application is in cloudfoundry which and i don't have 80 port but only 443(https) .
My configuration in spring is like this :
.antMatchers("/", "/forbidden", "/index.html", "/webjars/*", "/app.js", "/access/*", "/signup", "/l10n/*.js", "/", "/tpl/**/*.html", "/fonts/**/*.woff").permitAll()
.and().addFilterAfter(new CsrfHeaderFilter(), CsrfFilter.class).
.and() .httpBasic().disable()
.logoutRequestMatcher(new AntPathRequestMatcher("access/logout"))
I did also tried to use absolute url with https but it is not working good.
Did you try
? For particular url to be accessible via https, you can tryFor all requests to go through https, you can use like
You can use port mapping like below.
Please refer this and this for more details.