Force TensorRT to run on CPU, or convert trt model back to onnx?

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I realize this is not the intended usage of TensorRT, but I am a bit stuck so maybe there are some ideas out there. Currently I have been provided some neural network models as TensorRT serialized engines, so-called .trt files. These are basically models compiled and optimized from PyTorch to run on a specific GPU.

Now, this works fine since I do have a compatible GPU for development, however, for setting up CI/CD, I am having some trouble because the cloud servers on which it will be running for testing purposes only do not have adequate GPUs for this CUDA-compiled "engine".

So, I would like to force these models to run on CPU, or otherwise find some other way to make them run. On CPU would be just fine, because I just need to run handful of inferences to check the output, it is fine if it's slow. Again, I know this is not the intended usage of TensorRT, but I need some output from the models for integration testing.

Alternative approach

The other idea I had was maybe to convert the .trt files back to .onnx or another format that I could load into another runtime engine, or just into PyTorch or TensorFlow, but I cannot find any TensorRT tools that load an engine and write a model file. Presumably because it is "compiled" and no longer convertible; yet, the model parameters must be in there, so does anyone know how to do such a thing?


There are 1 answers

Eljas Hyyrynen On

That is not how TensorRT is meant to be used. An answer to the question in TensorRT forums here.

However, you might be interested in this answer. It points out Triton. Here is a guide on that. It runs on Docker which is probably suitable for your CI system.

Another solution would be to get a device that has a Nvidia GPU running in your CI but I understand that you're trying to avoid this solution.

The other idea I had was maybe to convert the .trt files back to .onnx or another format that I could load into another runtime engine, or just into PyTorch or TensorFlow, but I cannot find any TensorRT tools that load an engine and write a model file.

This is not possible. See my other answer to a similar question here.