I have to implement SOAP-Calls using MTOM-Attachments. The WSDL is provided by an external Partner so I can't / don't want to modify it.
I used to generate the Client using axis2 and adb but I would much rather use CXF and JAXB because the generated code looks so much cleaner.
Sadly the WSDL defines the attachment element as follows:
<xsd:element name="documentBinary" type="xsd:base64Binary" />
Which makes CXF (Wsdl2Java) generate the following field:
protected byte[] documentBinary;
This will lead to the attachment beeing inlined in the SOAP-Message and the SOAP-Service will reject it.
Axis 2 used to generate a field of type DataHandler using the same .xsd and .wsdl files.
I know that i Can change the definition to
<xsd:element name="documentBinary" type="xsd:base64Binary" xmime:expectedContentTypes="*/*">
which will generate the proper code:
@XmlElement(required = true)
protected DataHandler documentBinary;
Is there a way to force CXF to generate the second outcome without touching the WSDL (would rather not, as its provided by a third party). Maybe by using a JAXB/JAXWS-Bindings File?