I am executing a Python (2.6.6) command directly from bash, like this :
bash-4.1$ python -c "for i in range(4) : print('a')"
which outputs
However, when I add something before the for loop, I get a SyntaxError:
bash-4.1$ python -c "myChar = 'a'; for i in range(4) : print(myChar)"
File "<string>", line 1
myChar = 'a'; for i in range(4) : print(myChar)
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
no matter what I put before the semicolon. However,
bash-4.1$ python -c "i = 1; print i"
works just fine.
Any idea of what's happening here?
Use a here document if you want to write Python code in a shell script.
Read PEP 0008 and PEP 0020 about Python style.