I am using DQM package in Cognos 11 report Studio. I have two queries which are joined to make a third query. In third query I am using filter condition as
[Cardex].[Transaction Date] = maximum( [Cardex].[Transaction Date] for [Cardex].[Lot/Serial Number])
If I disable this filter, my report runs and diplay data. But if I make it required which is our requirement, Report throws errors as
XQE-GEN-0018 Query Service internal error has occurred, please see the log for details.
Is there any alterway way of defining this filter condition?
[Cardex].[Transaction Date] = maximum( [Cardex].[Transaction Date] for [Cardex].[Lot/Serial Number])
where I should use FOR function and use any other compatible fuction
Failure XQE-GEN-0018 Query Service internal error has occurred, please see the log for details. 20948 2019-12-07 11:48:24.520 -5
Default Executor-thread-3209 caf 2047 1 Audit.dispatcher.caf Request Failure SecureErrorId: 2019-12-07-11:48:24.520-#251
Original Error: XQE-GEN-0018 Query Service internal error has occurred, please see the log for details.
RSV-SRV-0042 Trace back: RSReportService.cpp(764): XQEException: CCL_CAUGHT: RSReportService::processImpl()
RSReportServiceMethod.cpp(254): XQEException: CCL_RETHROW:
RSReportServiceMethod::process(): asynchRunSpecification_Request
RSASyncExecutionThread.cpp(887): XQEException: RSASyncExecutionThread::checkException
RSASyncExecutionThread.cpp(331): XQEException: CCL_CAUGHT:
RSASyncExecutionThread::runImpl(): asynchRunSpecification_Request
RSASyncExecutionThread.cpp(932): XQEException: CCL_RETHROW:
RSASyncExecutionThread::processCommand(): asynchRunSpecification_Request
Execution/RSRenderExecution.cpp(582): XQEException: CCL_RETHROW: RSRenderExecution::execute
Assembly/RSDocAssemblyDispatch.cpp(339): XQEException: CCL_RETHROW: RSDocAssemblyDispatch::dispatchAssembly
Assembly/RSLayoutAssembly.cpp(79): XQEException: CCL_RETHROW: RSLayoutAssembly::assemble
Assembly/RSDocAssemblyDispatch.cpp(448): XQEException: CCL_RETHROW: RSDocAssemblyDispatch::dispatchChildrenAssemblyForward
Assembly/RSReportPagesAssembly.cpp(185): XQEException: CCL_RETHROW: RSReportPagesAssembly::assemble
Assembly/RSDocAssemblyDispatch.cpp(384): XQEException: CCL_RETHROW: RSDocAssemblyDispatch::dispatchAssembly
Assembly/RSPageAssembly.cpp(314): XQEException: CCL_RETHROW: RSPageAssembly::assemble
Assembly/RSDocAssemblyDispatch.cpp(384): XQEException: CCL_RETHROW: RSDocAssemblyDispatch::dispatchAssembly
Assembly/RSTableRowAssembly.cpp(177): XQEException: CCL_RETHROW: RSTableRowAssembly::assemble
Assembly/RSDocAssemblyDispatch.cpp(384): XQEException: CCL_RETHROW: RSDocAssemblyDispatch::dispatchAssembly
Assembly/RSTableCellAssembly.cpp(151): XQEException: CCL_RETHROW: RSTableCellAssembly::assemble
Assembly/RSDocAssemblyDispatch.cpp(448): XQEException:
I am guessing with the limited information provided
The filter is likely causing a join to a part in the model that is not connected
Using Framework Manager, make sure the tables are connected and with the correct scope
It is likely that the level of information has a gap (see ragged or unbalanced) Which means without the filter, the screen shows the initial results (which might be okay)
From the reporting side, it sounds like adding a filter gets us to the data that is ragged and produces the error
Here is a link to help understand this https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSEP7J_10.2.2/com.ibm.swg.ba.cognos.ug_cr_rptstd.10.2.2.doc/c_cr_rptstd_wrkdat_ragged_hierarchies.html
To troubleshoot, build a simple version of the model with a very small result set that you know is balanced and well defined Then try your report
If it doesn't produce the error - it's not the report, it's the model
Let me know, and we can take the next step