I am trying to load my website content in my flutter application.
I have a link https://dev.demo.hello.example.com/id/4
I have tried using flutter_webview_plugin
& webview_flutter
both plugins but on both plugins i am getting below error :
WF: === Starting WebFilter logging for process Runner
WF: _userSettingsForUser mobile: {
filterBlacklist = (
filterWhitelist = (
restrictWeb = 1;
useContentFilter = 0;
useContentFilterOverrides = 0;
whitelistEnabled = 0;
WF: _WebFilterIsActive returning: NO
I have also tried mentioned ATS related things in info.plist
But still facing the same issue. I have https in my link.
Is there any work around ?
Yes, just put this code to your navigationDelegate in WebView widget
it work for me on IoS & Android