I'm trying to have a floatting SliverAppBar on flutter web, but the SliverAppBar is only been displayed when I scroll to the top of the screen. It works well on Android. My code is:
return Scaffold(
backgroundColor: Colors.grey[100],
body: CustomScrollView(slivers: <Widget>[
automaticallyImplyLeading: false,
actions: <Widget>[Container()],
floating: true,
title: Text(('My Title')),
elevation: 0,
delegate: SliverChildListDelegate(
Container(color: Colors.red, height: 150.0),
Container(color: Colors.purple, height: 150.0),
Container(color: Colors.green, height: 150.0),
Container(color: Colors.red, height: 150.0),
Container(color: Colors.purple, height: 150.0),
Container(color: Colors.green, height: 150.0),
Container(color: Colors.red, height: 150.0),
Container(color: Colors.purple, height: 150.0),
Container(color: Colors.green, height: 150.0),
Container(color: Colors.red, height: 150.0),
Container(color: Colors.purple, height: 150.0),
Container(color: Colors.green, height: 150.0),