I've got here my paginated data table wrapped with a theme widget to add the backgroundcolor:
return Theme(
data: Theme.of(context).copyWith(
cardColor: Color(0xff1D202C),
dividerColor: Color(0xff333333),
child: SingleChildScrollView(
scrollDirection: Axis.vertical,
child: PaginatedDataTable(
columns: getColumns(),
source: RecordsSource(),
And I've specified the row color by using color: MaterialStateColor.resolvewith(){}
inside my DataRow.byindex method(which is within the DataTableSource, named as RecordsSource above) and it looks like this:
So the problem is - how can I color the font of the pages at the bottom and reduce its height? To be specific, I mean the 1-10 of 11 and < > which is barely visible since the theme of my app is dark bluish.
And another problem is about layout. So the expected amount of rows is 100 and I want it 20 rows per page. However occasionally, there can be - e.g 11 rows only(since the data is from an api), so it will look like this on the second page:
How do I make the table to only show one line on this page? For detailed code, feel free to visit https://github1s.com/davidp918/KZStats/blob/main/lib/pages/details/map_detail.dart and the paginated datatable code begins at line 233
for changing the color of the bottom counter of pages (1-10 of 20):
wrap the PaginatedDataTable widget with a theme widget, and change the color of "caption" property: