I own an Android app with about 300K users.
This app was initially an Android app only that I converted to flutter in order to release an iOS version as well. When I released the first update developed using Flutter, I deployed only 5%, then updated to 10%, to be sure there was no major issue with this new version.
I then updated to deployment to 100%.
I have now released my third version of this new app based on flutter, setting a deployment of 100%, available in all countries.
But I only see about 10% of the users updating the app in the play console, after about 3 weeks.
I know flutter is not compatible with x86 phones, but those x86 represents only 1% of the Android phones. I also had to update the minSdkVersion from 19 to 20, but again this should not impact so much users.
I also read the app size could impact installations and updates, but the size was reduced using flutter.
I do not understand why my app is updated by only 10% of all users more than 3 weeks after the update. I'm seeing about 90% of my users in the play console still using the previous app version, and I double checked the deployment was set to 100% in all countries.
Thanks for any tip you can provide me.
so there are a few reason i can point out why this is happening :
To Avoid these issues , u can do a few things
Make sure to have a version check inside app that checks for latest version and then prompts users if version!=latest_version && version< latest_version.
Send a fcm to users where version < latest_version .
try publishing another minor update within same version (0.1.1 to 0.1.2) and check it's stats (its probably the best way to update stats).
Hope it helps , let me know.