I am trying to set up a RTMP server in Fluorine Fx and to receive web cam stream in the Flash example. I have not been able to get any recorded files saved to the website.
I have the source and I'm working in VS2010. I know which tcp/ip listener should be hit by the flash app. I am debugging their FluorineFx project source (rather than running directly on FluorineFx.dll).
It seems the listener is not initiated even which points to the Fluorine FX server not initiating itself.
I have the following standard config:
<threadpool minWorkerThreads="0" maxWorkerThreads="25" idleTimeout="60000"/>
<!-- Ping clients every "pingInterval" ms. Set to 0 to disable ghost detection code. -->
<!-- Disconnect client after "maxInactivity" ms of not responding. -->
<!-- Max. time in milliseconds to wait for a valid handshake. -->
<rtmpConnection pingInterval="0" maxInactivity="60000" maxHandshakeTimeout="0"/>
<rtmptConnection pingInterval="5000" maxInactivity="60000" maxHandshakeTimeout="5000"/>
<rtmpTransport receiveBufferSize="4096" sendBufferSize="4096" tcpNoDelay="true"/>
I'm not sure what should kick the RTMP server into action.
Any ideas? Is it possible to bypass the server altogether and set up a RTMP listener in code?