Flink stream going to two sinks based on conditions

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Trying to see the possibility of stream going to two sinks based on conditions.

Requirement is stream have events, all events after transformation need to go to one sink ( assume one kafka topic)

And only error events needs to go to another sink ( assume another kafka topic).

did not see use-case of once transformation is done , additional logic putting in sink. Looking if something similar done


There are 1 answers

David Anderson On

The best way to do this is with side outputs.

private static final OutputTag<String> errors = new OutputTag<>("errors") {};


// in your main() method
SingleOutputStreamOperator<T> result = events.process(new ProcessFunction());

result.addSink(sink).name("normal output");
result.getSideOutput(errors).addSink(errorSink).name("error output");


// in the process function

if (somethingGoesWrong) {
    ctx.output(errors, "error message");

While there are other ways to split a stream with Flink, side outputs are very flexible (e.g., the side outputs can have different types) and perform well.