Flink short jobs do not export prometheus job_name field

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I am running Flink 1.11.1 on Kubernetes, and set up monitoring stack using Prometheus and Grafana.

I have observed running WordCount example on Flink Cluster (submitted via UI) does not return $(job_name) on prometheus.

To troubleshoot, I have downloaded flink sample WordCount jobs and forced them to run longer using Thread.sleep(). As seen in the below screenshot, I ran the job, then the longer version.

shorter and longer running screenshot

Only second run (longer jobs) export $(job_name) field on prometheus as seen below on Grafana dashboard screenshot (label_values(job_name)). That hints that shorter running jobs does not export given field.

job name field on Grafana dashboard

I have also tried to run pushgateway exporter with Flink's suggested settings which resulted in same result as above.


Is there a way to collect job_name metric from short running jobs, is my setup wrong? Or is it impossible to achieve it due to scrape interval on prometheus? Thank you.


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