I am trying to display a small set of hierarchical data and have found the AdvancedDataGrid so terrible in how it handles layout I am going to try and approach it another way using Spark Lists.
I am getting from a MySQL database an ArrayCollection of Lessons. Each Lesson has a parent Topic (I have included a TopicName field within each Lesson for ease) and I want to display the Lessons after grouping them by their respective Topics.
I could create a hierarchical data structure, possibly by using a GroupingCollection2, and wondered if I could display a Spark List of Topics and within the topicItemRenderer I create display a Spark List of Lessons for the given Topic?
Any thoughts very welcome.
You could do it that way and it would work, But its not a good idea if you have a lot data. You would have to worry about item renderers. I would probably use a tree and create custom item renderers if need be. May be some code might help.