When I use HTTPService.send(paramter) as a POST request, the web server does not appear to see variable "parameter" if it is a string. The server sees the parameter if it's an Object, but I'm looking to use something like httpservice.send(JSON.encode(object)); Is this possible?
Flex 4 - Sending string (such as JSON) using HTTPService
1.4k views Asked by Anonymous1 At
Why not use the actual request objects.
in your service define request objects and post them or send them as get if you please.
Sample code here: http://pastebin.com/ft7QW2vg
Then just call .send on the service.
on the server you can simlpy process if with request.form (Asp)
Failing which why not append it to the url with a binding expression. (you would need to encode it since you would be more or less faking a url or a get behaviour).