I need to take some complex nested JSON and transform it into tab delimited output where I have a unique output line for each ts and y pair from the input JSON. I know how to output with tab delimited format but having trouble getting the JSON flattened in the right way. Any suggestions based on the input JSON below and desired output? I am using ElephantBird to load the JSON.
I have the following input JSON:
“gateway": [
{"beer" : [
{"change_date": "change_date"},
{"type": "squirrel-pale-ale"},
{"vendor": "foo-vendor"},
{"size": "size"}
{"name": "SBS01"},
{"hw_version": "1.1"}
"sensors": [
{"info": {
"name": "fake-sensor01",
"serial_number": “fakies40911",
"type": "temperature"
{"values": [
{"ts": 1400869261, "y": 998}, // "ts" is UNIX Epoch in UTC
{"ts": 1400869276, "y": 1002}
{"info": {
"name": "fake-sensor02",
"serial_number": “fakies40944",
"type": "flow"
{"values": [
{"ts": 1400869294, "y": 54},
{"ts": 1400869303, "y": 76}
I am able to load it using this pig script:
register 's3://path-to-scripts/elephant-bird-core-4.5.jar';
register 's3://path-to-scripts/elephant-bird-hadoop-compat-4.5.jar';
register 's3://path-to-scripts/elephant-bird-pig-4.5.jar';
register 's3://path-to-scripts/json-simple-1.1.1.jar';
data = load 's3://path-to-data/example_record.json' using com.twitter.elephantbird.pig.load.JsonLoader('-nestedLoad') AS (json:map[]);
Now I want to get tuples that are flattened for each ts and y pair while retaining attributes other attributes. I have tried various sequence of statements generate with flatten and referencing kv pairs from the map but struggling. Looking for suggestions on how to get this result:
(SBS01, 1.1, change_date, squirrel-pale-ale, foo-vendor, size, fake-sensor01, fakies40911, temperature, 1400869261, 998)
(SBS01, 1.1, change_date, squirrel-pale-ale, foo-vendor, size, fake-sensor01, fakies40911, temperature, 1400869276, 1002)
(SBS01, 1.1, change_date, squirrel-pale-ale, foo-vendor, size, fake-sensor02, fakies40944, flow, 1400869294, 54)
(SBS01, 1.1, change_date, squirrel-pale-ale, foo-vendor, size, fake-sensor02, fakies40944, flow, 1400869303, 76)