Below is a response template in my templates.yaml file:
entity_paused: <speak>I paused {{ entity }} <say-as interpret-as="digits">{{ id }}</say-as></speak>.
According to the flask-ask documents, they automatically detect SSML based on the root element 'speak'. Yet when I test my app, Alexa readys the template varbatim and I can see the response sent back to the Alexa service is Plaintext type. I believe the SSML is correct according to the Amazon documentation
I call the template via:
return statement(render_template('paused_entity', entity='SomeEntity', id=123456))
Apologies in advance if this is something basic as I've only been coding for 7 months. Thanks!
in case anyone finds this in the future, the originally supplied template is correct. Not sure why I had to copy and re-paste it but there was some weird unindent error.