I use Flask framework in my project with pure json api. It renders only json responses without html or static files.
I am trying to achieve abort() function with custom http code, in my case 204 (No Content) which isn't defined by default. I have currently code like:
# Error define
class NoContent(HTTPException):
code = 204
description = ('No Content')
abort.mapping[204] = NoContent
def make_json_error(ex):
response = jsonify(error=str(ex))
response.status_code = (ex.code
if isinstance(ex, HTTPException)
else 500)
return response
custom_exceptions = {}
custom_exceptions[NoContent.code] = NoContent
for code in custom_exceptions.iterkeys():
app.error_handler_spec[None][code] = make_json_error
# Route
def results(name=None):
return jsonify(data=results) if results else abort(204)
It works well I get response like: - - [02/Dec/2014 10:51:09] "GET /results/test HTTP/1.1" 204 -
But without any content. It renders nothing, not even blank white page in browser.
I can use errorhandler
def error204(e):
response = jsonify(data=[])
return response
But it returns 200 http code. In need 204 here. When I add in error204() line like:
response.status_code = 204
It renders nothing once again.
I am stuck and I have no idea where there is an error with this approach. Please help.
If my approach is wrong from design perspective please propose something else.
Thanks in advance.
Remember, HTTP 204 is "No Content". RFC 7231 (and RFC 2616 before it) requires that user-agents ignore everything after the last header line:
~ RFC 7231 (emphasis mine)
~ RFC 2616