I am doing simple project for table processing using flat files in c++. I have two type of files to access the table data. 1) Index File. ( employee.idx ) 2) Table File. ( employee.tbl )
In index file, I have table details in the format of tab delimited . i.e., Column-name Column-Type Column-Offset Column-Size
for example, employee.idx
ename string 0 10
eage number 10 2
ecity string 12 10
In Table file, I have the data in the format of Fixed Length. for example, employee.tbl
first 25Address0001
second 31Address0002
Here I will explain my algorithm what I did in my program.
1) First I have loaded index file data in 2D vector String ( Index Vector ) using fstream.
2) This is my code to load Table File Data into 2D
while (fsMain)
if (!getline( fsMain, s )) break;
string s_str;
for(size_t i=0;i<idxTable.size();i++)
int fieldSize=stoi(idxTable[i].at(3));
string data (s,stoi(idxTable[i].at(2)),fieldSize);
string tmp=trim_right_inplace(data);
recordVec.push_back( tmp );
Ok. Now my question is , " Is there any other better way to load the Fixed length data to memory ? ". I checked this process for 60 tables with 200 Records. It takes nearly 20 Seconds. But I want to load 100 tables with 200 records within one Second. But It takes more time. How can I improve efficiency for this task ?