I'm beggining to try DoneJS, starting with de Chat Demo. After copying the instructions, "home" page shows correctly, but the "Start Chat" button is not working. After some digging, i found this messages on Console: can-log.js:98 16: Unable to find helper "routeUrl".
When I oppend the source-page, the <a>
tag that should link to the other page is like "<a class="btn btn-primary btn-block btn-lg" href>Start chat</a>
, without the href clause completed.
Probably I have missed something when I copied. Coincidentally, on VSCode, exactly the import route from 'can-route'
on app.js is showing a ...
symbol and saying that it was not possible to find some declaration module for can-route.
Here is my declaration:
<a href="{{routeUrl(page='chat')}}" class="btn btn-primary btn-block btn-lg">Start chat</a>
Sorry about that, my mistake. I missed
<can-import from="can-stache-route-helpers" />
command. Now it is ok.