So Strange issue here, if you go to this PDF file in firefox
you will notice on the right that a bunch of text is missing. There are more steps and the terms and conditions are missing on the bottom.
If you open the same link in Adobe Reader or Chrome (again using Adobe Reader) All the text shows up correctly.
I have tried saving the PDF as an older version of Acrobat but it didn't seem to have any effect on it.
I have seem pages Referring to FF internal PDF reader as the problem but no fix (besides not having it open in ff internal reader). I need a solution that will still allow the PDF to display correctly for the user in FF without having to disable the internal reader.
Original File was saved in Adobe Acrobat Pro
I had the same Firefox problem. I replaced Arial regular with MS Arial Unicode and the issue went away. Funny that short documents with 2-4 pages were not effected only one document 24 pages long had the problem. Now the 24 pager works in all browsers.