Firebase facebook authentication is crashing

183 views Asked by At

I have app whose firebase facebook authentication worked just fine... then without any code change it started to crash and i don't get any error message in the output, the only clue i get is an highlited line that tells me nothing about the issue. it's this line:

  return ((Implmentation)originalImplementation)(object, selector, application, url,
                                               sourceApplication, annotation);

in the FIRAuthAppDelegateProxy.m file and the whole function is this one:

    - (BOOL)object:(id)object
          application:(UIApplication *)application
              openURL:(NSURL *)url
    sourceApplication:(NSString *)sourceApplication
           annotation:(id)annotation {
  if (object == _appDelegate && [self delegateCanHandleURL:url]) {
    return YES;
  IMP originalImplementation = [self originalImplementationForSelector:selector];
  if (originalImplementation && originalImplementation != &noop) {
    typedef BOOL (*Implmentation)(id, SEL, UIApplication*, NSURL *, NSString *, id);
    return ((Implmentation)originalImplementation)(object, selector, application, url,
                                                   sourceApplication, annotation);
  return NO;

what i've tried so far was to update the pod file and to remove some errors like this one:

The APPNAME [Debug] target overrides the ALWAYS_EMBED_SWIFT_STANDARD_LIBRARIES build setting defined in `Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-APPNAME/Pods-APPNAME.debug.xcconfig'. This can lead to problems with the CocoaPods installation

But without success. Can anyopne help me with this, please?

Edit: Here is the FBSDKGraphRequest writen in Swift:

func fetchProfile() {

        if FBSDKAccessToken.current() == nil
        print("here we are fetching the profile the token was nil")
    let parameters = ["fields": "id, email, first_name, last_name, picture.type(normal)"]
    FBSDKGraphRequest(graphPath: "me", parameters: parameters).start { (connection, result, error) in

        if error != nil
        print("here paramateres", parameters)

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