I cloned a quickstart angular application.
I run firebase init
and firebase deploy
and output shows deploy successful. I naviagate to the url, but it just shows the Welcome screen. Why don't I see my content?
Firebase deploy displays Welcome Screen with no App Content
19.6k views Asked by Elliott Beach AtThere are 9 answers

If you are already tried to deploy the flutter web app project, then 1st remove (1).firebase,(2)build,(3)firebase.json from your project directory root page.
then just follow the below 7 steps-->
1 step: First run firebase init
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You're about to initialize a Firebase project in this directory:
{project path}\{projectname}
Before we get started, keep in mind:
* You are currently outside your home directory
2nd step: ? Are you ready to proceed? Yes
3rd step: ? Which Firebase features do you want to set up for this directory? Press Space to select features, then Enter to confirm your choices. Hosting: Configure files for Firebase Hosting and (optionally) set up GitHub Actio n deploys
=== Project Setup
First, let's associate this project directory with a Firebase project.
You can create multiple project aliases by running firebase use --add,
but for now we'll just set up a default project.
i Using project ****21ed1 (projectname)
=== Hosting Setup
Your public directory is the folder (relative to your project directory) that
will contain Hosting assets to be uploaded with firebase deploy. If you
have a build process for your assets, use your build's output directory.
4th step: ? What do you want to use as your public directory? build/web
5th step: ? Configure as a single-page app (rewrite all urls to /index.html)? Yes
? Set up automatic builds and deploys with GitHub? **No**
+ Wrote build/web/index.html
i Writing configuration info to firebase.json...
i Writing project information to .firebaserc...
+ Firebase initialization complete!
6th step: Then run: flutter build web
Building with sound null safety
Compiling lib\main.dart for the Web... 2,656ms
7th step: Then run: firebase deploy
=== Deploying to '****21ed1'...
i deploying hosting
i hosting[****21ed1]: beginning deploy...
i hosting[****21ed1]: found 15 files in build/web
+ hosting[****21ed1]: file upload complete
i hosting[****21ed1]: finalizing version...
+ hosting[****21ed1]: version finalized
i hosting[****21ed1]: releasing new version...
+ hosting[****21ed1]: release complete
+ Deploy complete!

Angular projects aren't built directly inside /dist
. They are usually built like /dist/your-project-name
So when you firebase init
and you are asked What do you want to use as your public directory?
provide it /dist/your-project-name
instead of just /dist
And if /dist/your-project-name
folder really has your project then it'll surely ask you File dist/your-project-name/index.html already exists. Overwrite?
, you say no
In case it didn't ask you about overwriting then it means the public
address you gave above is either incorrect or maybe you haven't yet built your project using ng build

I had same problem with my deployed react app using Firebase to solve that as suggested above in first answers rebuild your app after running firebase init
successfully & before running firebase deploy
command. Then deploy your app.
If it's first time then you see welcome screen with hosting documentation. Then wait for few minutes around 15 to 20 minutes, then open app URL. It's running
After running: firebase init Few questions will be asked and Reply(In Bold) as follows:
=== Project Setup
=== Hosting Setup
-----Firebase initialization complete!-----
Now Re-run your app using: ng build (Imp step)
firebase deploy