Firebase Custom event - firebase parameters not visible in dashboard

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I'm making an Android game, where I want to track with Firebase Analytics, how users spend their different ingame currencies. For this, I wrote the following method:

public void trackInAppUpgrades(String id, int upgradePrice, String currencyName) {
    Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
    bundle.putString(FirebaseAnalytics.Param.ITEM_ID, id);
    bundle.putDouble(FirebaseAnalytics.Param.VALUE, (double)upgradePrice);
    firebaseAnalytics.logEvent(currencyName, bundle);

I've used predefined parameters like ITEM_ID and VALUE and send the event with the name of my currency, as there are several currencies and I want to distinguish them as separate events.

However, when I look at the firebase console and select the event from events, I do not see the parameters I have added to this event:

enter image description here

24hours have passend and there isn't more to see. I've read in the documentation that custom parameters will not show up in the report, but what about custom event with prescribed parameters?

Do I really need to use the predefined events by Google to see any parameters I want to track?


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