in my Android app I'm deleting some data from my Firebase Database tree, in a transaction because I want to delete multiple paths from the tree at the same time. The path that is deleted in a transaction is the following:
begin transaction
for all eventId's in a list delete member with memberid
end for
then delete member from
end transaction
I use the following java code in my android app and it works very well
database.getReference(Global.DEV_PREFIX).runTransaction(new Transaction.Handler() {
public Transaction.Result doTransaction(MutableData mutableData) {
for (String eventKey : eventKeySet) {
mutableData.child("/contexts/" + getCurrentUserId() + "/" + contextId + "/events/" + eventKey + "/members/" + member.getId()).setValue(null);
mutableData.child("/contexts/" + getCurrentUserId() + "/" + contextId + "/members/" + member.getId()).setValue(null);
return Transaction.success(mutableData);
public void onComplete(DatabaseError databaseError, boolean b, DataSnapshot dataSnapshot) {
if (databaseError == null) {
} else {
But now I want to have a cloud function that listens on the deletion of the member and deletes some files from the storage.
I did a lot of tests and I can not understand the behaviour. The cloud functions are triggered when deleting the member in a non transactional way. But when deleting in a transaction, the .onDelete event is never triggered in the server (nor the onWrite event). My Cloud function is defined in the following way:
exports.memberDeleteTrigerTest = functions.database.ref('/contexts/{userId}/{contextId}/members/{memberId}/')
.onDelete(event => {
console.log('Hello memberDeleteTrigerTest');
return ;
I tried to listen to a inner property of the member without success:
exports.memberDeleteTrigerTest = functions.database.ref('/contexts/{userId}/{contextId}/members/{memberId}/id')
.onDelete(event => {
console.log('Hello memberDeleteTrigerTest');
return ;
Maybe the way I delete the data in the transaction in the Android app is not the appropriate. Do you have any suggestions?
Thanks in advance