FineUploaderBasic for Azure nothing shows up

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            var uploader = new{

                debug: true,
                element: document.getElementById("fine-uploader-gallery"),

                signature: {
                    endpoint: '@Url.Action("GetUploadSASUrl", "Upload")'
                uploadSuccess: {
                    endpoint: '@Url.Action("ProcessImage", "Upload")'
                scaling: {
                    sendOriginal: false,

                    sizes: [
                        { name: "", maxSize: 800 }

                validation: {
                    allowedExtensions: ['jpeg', 'jpg', 'png']



Trying to create a FineUploader Basic instance for Azure but nothing shows up. What am I doing wrong?

I've added a debug: true directive but nothing shows up in the console. The initial script tag is there and a div with the id of "fine-uploader-gallery" is there. All the scripts and CSS are on the page.


There are 1 answers

Ray Nicholus On

Why would you expect something to "show up"? You are using Fine Uploader's "core" mode, which assumes you are providing the entire UI yourself and simply making use of the API, options, and events to drive it. If you want to render a default but customizable UI, you should use UI mode instead. More information about all of these can be found on the docs site at Before you go any further, you should spend some time familiarizing yourself with these options.