Finding What Object Is In The Array (AS3)

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So here's what I'm trying to do in pseudocode:

array = new Array();
thisObj = new objectTypeOne();
thisObj2 = new objectTypeTwo();

for( i=0; i<=array.length, i++)
  if( array[i] == objectTypeOne() )
    //do code

I know I could have two different arrays for each object type but that would ruin a lot of my other code which assumes they're both in the same array. (they are pratically same object with slight but vital differences, I suppose I should really have objectTypeTwo derive from other, but that's irrelevant at the moment).


There are 2 answers

AudioBubble On BEST ANSWER

I believe what you're looking for is:

if(array[i] is MyObjectType) {
   //I found an instance of MyObjectType

The operator "is" does runtime type analysis and will return true if the object you are testing (in this example, array[i]) is either directly of the type you're comparing to or a subclass (in this example, MyObjectType). You might also want to investigate using typeof. However, try to avoid having a TON of calls like this or calls using "typeof"... looking up type information at runtime is costly in any language.

Diode On

First correct this i<=array.length to i<array.length. That is the reason for "term is undefined" error.

The solution suggested by @Ascension Systems can be used when you create the instance of diffrent Classes, like

array = new Array();
thisObj = new Student();
thisObj2 = new Employee();

then you can check like

for( i=0; i<array.length, i++)
  if( array[i] is Student )
    //do code
  }else if(array[i] is Employee){


If you are using custom Objects, do like this

array = new Array();
thisObj = new Object();
thisObj.type = "type1";
thisObj2 = new Object();
thisObj2.type = "type2";

for( i=0; i<array.length, i++)
  if( array[i].type == "type1" )
    //do code
  }else if( array[i].type == "type2"){
