Finding POI/business directory data to import

708 views Asked by At

I'm creating an app, and I need a basic business directory data per city such as restaurant's name, address, and phone#, and import it into my database.

Anyone knows where I can do that?

Is there anything like it that's free? maybe not too expensive?

Thanks in advance.


There are 1 answers


The two ways are compile it yourself for free from the resources below, but it would be time consuming and very resource intensive:

Yellow Pages Directory

White Pages Directory

IRS Records

Company Registration Records

I found two commercial resources, This one claims 20 million business for $80 and requires a signup to access there pricing and database information. There may be other resources less expensive or better, but these seemed like something you can compare against. If you don't need a static database the suggestions of using the google places api seem the best.