I want to know how to find the LRD and CID for an specific business page on Google.
The sample URL I'm trying to construct as follows
What I've found out so far is there isn't any direct way to find both CID and LRD.
I have to make two API calls to get CID which looks like as follows,
"url": "https://maps.google.com/?cid=4839020573042712727",
but is there any other way to or direct FIELD in api like the place_id below?
"place_id": "ChIJrQFQG6PHVTcRl6AErZKnJ0M"
Now comes to the LRD part, HOW CAN I FIND IT? In this details API
https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/details/json?reference="Referense key from place request api"&sensor=true&key="Your API Key"
There is no direct field also for LRD.
So how can i get or find LRD 0x[HEX_CODE1]:0x[HEX_CODE2] in these formate.
I'm linking the stackoverflow questions below as reference.
Read this answer to obtain the CID: How to get the cid in the Google Place URL?
Two API requests and you'll have the CID of a business programmatically.
EDIT ----------
The LRD is CID in hexadecimal. You can use this function to:
So you can build the Google Review Url like this: