finding a GroupContactEntry needle in a gData hackstack ...?

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Is there a better way to obtain the Id of a specific ContactGroupEntry from your gData contacts without having to retrieve and iterate through the entire List?

    // contactsService has been properly initialized...
    // hunting for the groupNameId corrisponding to the plaintext groupName

    final URL url = new URL("");
    String groupNameId = null;
    ContactGroupFeed f = contactsService.getFeed(url, ContactGroupFeed.class);
    int totalResults = f.getTotalResults();
    List<ContactGroupEntry> list = f.getEntries();
    while (list.size() < totalResults) {
        Query q = new Query(url);
        q.setStartIndex(f.getStartIndex() + f.getItemsPerPage());
        f = this.contactsService.query(q, ContactGroupFeed.class);

    for(ContactGroupEntry g : list) {
        if (groupName.compareTo(g.getPlainTextContent()) == 0) {
            groupNameId = g.getId();
    // return groupNameId 

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