I have to find the missing hour in my table , for frequency = 1 I have to find a record per hour, if it's not the case, I have to display the missing hour. here's my code
declare @StartDate datetime declare @EndDate datetime declare @now datetime set @now = getdate() set @StartDate = dateadd(day,-30,@now) set @EndDate = dateadd(day,-2,@now) Select Flow.Id,Flow.ComponentId, Frequency.Name frequencyName, Flow.MeasurementDate as MeasurementDate, LAG(MeasurementDate) OVER (ORDER BY MeasurementDate) LagValue, abs( DATEDIFF (hour, MeasurementDate, LAG(MeasurementDate) OVER (ORDER BY MeasurementDate) ) ) DifferenceDate , (CASE WHEN DATEDIFF (hour, MeasurementDate, LAG(MeasurementDate) OVER (ORDER BY MeasurementDate) ) > '1' THEN 'Yes' ELSE 'No' END) AS Gap into #tab1 FROM Data.dbo.Flow inner join Data.dbo.Component on flow.ComponentId = Component.Id inner join Data.dbo.Frequency on Flow.Frequency = Frequency.Id Where flow.LoaderCode='TOT' and Flow.Frequency='1' and ScheduledVolume IS NOT NULL and MeasurementDate between @StartDate and @EndDate --and DATEDIFF (hour, MeasurementDate, LAG(MeasurementDate) OVER (ORDER BY MeasurementDate) ) >1 Group By Frequency.Name, Flow.MeasurementDate, Flow.ComponentId select * from #tab1