Find the direction of motion?

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I have an image(floor plan) where i pinned my current position. with CMPedometer I am able to find the number of steps moved but couldn't find the direction in which i am moving.


    self.pedoMeter.startUpdates(from: midnightOfToday) { (data: CMPedometerData?, error) -> Void in

        DispatchQueue.main.async(execute: { () -> Void in
            if(error == nil) {
                self.stepsLabel.text = "Moved \(data!.numberOfSteps) steps"

Is there any way of finding the direction i am moving (relevant to my point OR to E,W,S,N ) ?


There are 1 answers

Alex Motor On

CMMotionManager provides you API to work with Magnetometer.

It should be use to determine heading (North).