find rpm name from a executable

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I am using redhat 6.5. By default JRE is installed with this OS. I want to find the rpm name of the jre installed in my machine. ie) input should be executable and the output will be the rpm name

which java


expected output:

command to find the rpm name.


here java --version shows version 1.5. But i want to use oracle jre instead of the default one. After installing oracle jre still the default version of jres is used but i want to remove the default version of jre from OS.

Any help will be appreciated.


There are 1 answers

kumarprd On

The solution to you problem is , after installing the oracle version of java you have to use alternatives command to point to you default java, like follows:

   # alternatives --config java

and select the default version there. Now check the version of java with java --version