find robust fit of a model function in noisy signal

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I have a noisy signal and a model function, for example:

w=[2 6 -4 5];
y(randi(length(y),[1 10]))=10*rand(1,10)-5;

enter image description here

I thought to use RANSAC to find the w in my model, as this method is robust to noise when finding lines. However, this is not a linear problem, and I couldn't get a proper fit, probably because of the oscillatory nature of the function I'm trying to fit.

I saw matlab has a fitPolynomialRansac function, but even this fails for a a+b*x+c*x^2+d*x^3 simple case (between -1 and 1).

Any ideas how to tame RANSAC? or of a different robust to noise approach?


There are 3 answers

David On

This is just implementing @mikuszefski's comment to use a soft L1 loss function. It does appear to be more resistant to noise:

x = linspace(0,20);

% model function
yFun=@(w) w(1)*besselj(0,x)+w(2)*besselj(1,x)+w(3)*besselj(2,x)+w(4)*besselj(3,x);

% generate training data
N = 20; % number of noisy elements
w=[2 6 -4 5]; % true paramater values
y = yFun(w); % evaluate true model function
y(randi(length(y),[1 N])) = 10*rand(1,N)-5; % add noise

% standard loss function for least sqaure
d = @(w) yFun(w)-y;

v1 = lsqnonlin(d,[1 1 1 1]); % normal least squares
v2 = lsqnonlin(@(w) sqrt(2*(sqrt(1+d(w).^2)-1)),[1 1 1 1]) % soft L1 loss
bla On

I have modified the cost function testing a hard(er) L1 assumption and got a much more robust fit vs the answer of David (I was testing with a higher # of noisy elements, see my addition for v3) :

x = linspace(0,20);

% model function
yFun=@(w) w(1)*besselj(0,x)+w(2)*besselj(1,x)+w(3)*besselj(2,x)+w(4)*besselj(3,x);

% generate training data
N = 50; % number of noisy elements
w=[2 6 -4 5]; % true paramater values
y = yFun(w); % evaluate true model function
y(randi(length(y),[1 N])) = 10*rand(1,N)-5; % add noise

% standard loss function for least sqaure
d = @(w) yFun(w)-y;

v1 = lsqnonlin(d,[1 1 1 1]); % normal least squares
v2 = lsqnonlin(@(w) sqrt(2*(sqrt(1+d(w).^2)-1)),[1 1 1 1]) % soft L1 loss
v3 = lsqnonlin(@(w) sqrt(2*(sqrt(1+abs(d(w)))-1)) ,[1 1 1 1]) %  the new cost function


enter image description here

Max On

The ransac-implementation in MATLAB seems to work natively only with predefined fitting functions.

However, you could create a workaround by wraping a fitting function in a function. The function should be part of the *Computer Vision Toolbox" or the Automated Driving System Toolbox.

x = linspace(0,20).';
w = [2 6 -4 5];
y = w(1)*besselj(0,x)+w(2)*besselj(1,x)+w(3)*besselj(2,x)+w(4)*besselj(3,x);
y(randi(length(y),[1 10])) = 10*rand(1,10)-5;

sampleSize = 5; % number of points to sample per trial
maxDistance = 2; % max allowable distance for inliers

% creating the function you want to obtain
bFnc = @(x,w) w(1)*besselj(0,x)+w(2)*besselj(1,x)+w(3)*besselj(2,x)+w(4)*besselj(3,x);

% wrapping this function into a cost function with two inputs (the points
% and the "model"
cstFmin = @(xy,w) sum((xy(:,2) - bFnc(xy(:,1),w)).^2);

% creating a function handle that fits the function + returns a single
% object as a model
fitFnc = @(xy) {fminsearch(@(w)cstFmin(xy,w),ones(4,1))}; % returns the "model" as a cell

% build a function that determines a distance measure
evlFnc = @(model,xy)(( xy(:,2) - bFnc(xy(:,1),model{1}) ).^2);

% call RANSAC
[modelRANSAC, inlierIdx] = ransac([x,y],fitFnc,evlFnc, sampleSize,maxDistance);

% plot results
% plot
xIN = x(inlierIdx);
yIN = bFnc(xIN,modelRANSAC);

hold on
hold off
title(num2str(sampleSize,'sampleSize = %d'))

Note that the fminsearch-algorithm always starts at ones(4,1).. You could also integrate a different optimization algorithm here. plot of the results