Find intersection in noisy Hough transform

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I have various sets of points, which are supposed to be part of different lines (see image below). What I want to do is to group the points which are part of the same line. To do so, I made a Hough transform that turns cartesian coordinates into polar one. What I need to do is to locate the position of the intersection in the Hough plane; do you have any suggestion on how to do it?

This is what I am doing now:

  1. Apply a threshold to the image of the Hough transform, so to consider only the pixels with at least half of the maximum intensity

    max_Hough = max(max(Hough));
    for ii = 1:dim_X
        for jj = 1:dim_Y
            if Hough(ii,jj) > max_Hough*0.5
                Hough_bin(ii,jj) = Hough(ii,jj);
  2. Locate the blobs in the corresponding image

    se = strel('disk',1);
    Hough_final = imclose(Hough_bin,se);
    [L,num] = bwlabel(Hough_final);   
    % Let's exclude the single points
    counts = sum(bsxfun(@eq,L(:),1:num));
    valid_blobs = find(counts>threshold);
    number_valid = length(find(counts>threshold));
    if (number_valid~=0)
       for blob_num = (1:number_valid)
           for x = (1:dim_X)
               for y = (1:dim_X)
                   if (L(x,y) == valid_blobs(blob_num))     
                       hist_bin_clean(x,y) = Hough_final(x,y);
  3. Find the centroids of the blobs

    Ilabel = bwlabel(hist_bin_clean);
    stat = regionprops(Ilabel,'centroid');

You can see the result in the second image below, with the centroid pointed by the white arrow. I would expect it to be a few pixels higher and to the left... How would you improve the result?

The points I need to group

enter image description here


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