When our users are changing their password in AD LDS, via a custom C# app, we also allow them to update their email address. Is there a way to detect the date/time of when the email address was updated? Or will we just have to use the LastPasswordSet value? We need to compare it with the email in our AS/400 and sync them based on which address is most recent.
Find date/time of last update to email address in Active Directory
466 views Asked by Connie DeCinko At
There are 2 answers

The attribute metadata will tell you when the attribute was changed (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.directoryservices.activedirectory.attributemetadata?redirectedfrom=MSDN&view=netframework-4.7.2).
I don't know of any way to filter on metadata, but I routinely filter on the whenChanged timestamp (or password updated timestamp in your case) to get a set of potential changes and filter out irrelevant objects using metadata for the attribute I'm tracking.
// Grab all accounts updated since last batch cycle
// For each user, check LastOriginatingChangeTime of interesting attribute
// If LastOriginatingChangeTime >= last cycle, check value in target system
// If value in target system != value in AD, update target system with value from AD
You can get all history about account changes by watching
Windows Security Log Event ID 642
from active directory windows server.(ref)