I'm trying to apply filter 1x3, 3x1 repectively in 3D-structure(volume).
For example, if there is 20(cols) x 10(rows) x 10(depth) structure,
for(int depth = 0; depth < 10; depth++)
Apply image filter(depth);
Apply filter to 2d image(20x10) 10 times. every slice of image is different.
first, i allocate 3D structure like
// COLS = 450, ROWS = 375, MAX_DISPARITY = 60
cudaPitchedPtr volume;
cudaExtent volumeExtent = make_cudaExtent(COLS, ROWS, MAX_DISPARITY);
HANDLE_ERROR(cudaMalloc3D(&volume, volumeExtent ));
and memory set to zero for stable output. so far so good, until copy image into volume.
when applying 3x1 filter like below, it's computation time was 6 mSec.
Apply_3by1 << <ROWS, COLS, COLS>> > (volume, COLS, ROWS);
__global__ void Apply_3by1 (cudaPitchedPtr src, unsigned int COLS, unsigned int ROWS)
const unsigned int x = threadIdx.x;
const unsigned int y = blockIdx.x;
extern __shared__ unsigned char SharedMemory[];
for (int dispCnt = 0; dispCnt < MAX_DISPARITY; dispCnt++)
if (x < dispCnt) continue;//exception for my algorithm.
unsigned char dst_val = *GET_UCHAR_PTR_3D(src, x, y, dispCnt);
SharedMemory[x] = dst_val;
unsigned char left;
int leftIdx = x - 3;
if (leftIdx < 0)//index underflow
left = 0;
left = SharedMemory[leftIdx];
unsigned char right;//index overflow
int rightIdx = x + 3;
if (COLS < rightIdx)
right = 0;
right = SharedMemory[rightIdx];
*GET_UCHAR_PTR_3D(src, x, y, dispCnt) += left + right;
but when i apply vertical direction 1x3 filter, it's computation time was 46mSec.
Apply_1by3 << <COLS, ROWS, ROWS >> > (volume, COLS, ROWS);
__global__ void Apply_1by3 (cudaPitchedPtr src, unsigned int COLS, unsigned int ROWS)
const unsigned int x = threadIdx.x;
const unsigned int y = blockIdx.x;
extern __shared__ unsigned char SharedMemory[];
for (int dispCnt = 0; dispCnt < MAX_DISPARITY; dispCnt++)
unsigned char my_val = *GET_UCHAR_PTR_3D(src, y, x, dispCnt);
SharedMemory[x] = my_val;
if (y < dispCnt) continue;
int topIdx = x - 3;
unsigned char top_value;
if (topIdx < 0)
top_value = 0;
top_value = SharedMemory[topIdx];
int bottomIdx = x + 3;
unsigned char bottom_value;
if (ROWS <= bottomIdx)
bottom_value = 0;
bottom_value = SharedMemory[bottomIdx];
*GET_UCHAR_PTR_3D(src, y, x, dispCnt) += bottom_value + top_value;
I have no idea why vertical direction access is slower than horizontal access, almost 8 times. if you know why it's access time is different, please enlighten me.
My apology, i forgot to add
#define GET_UCHAR_PTR_3D(pptr, x, y, d) \
(unsigned char*)((char*)(pptr).ptr + (sizeof(unsigned char)* x) + ((pptr).pitch * y) + ((pptr).pitch * (pptr).ysize * d))
Consider the global memory accessing and coalescing behavior between the two cases. It does not matter whether we consider the load operation:
or the store operation:
Let's unpack your macro and substitute in the actual values of
, andy
in each case:we have:
Now, if x = threadIdx.x and y = blockIdx.x we have:
which becomes:
and this will nicely coalesce. Adjacent threads in a warp will read adjacent locations in memory. This is the "good case".
Now what happens if x = blockIdx.x and y = threadIdx.x? we have:
which becomes:
This means that adjacent threads in a warp are not reading adjacent locations in memory, but instead are reading locations that are separated by the
value. This will not coalesce, and will translate into many more global requests to satisfy the warp activity. This is the "bad case".GPUs like "horizontal" memory access in a warp. They dislike "vertical" memory access within a warp. This will result in a very substantial performance difference between the two cases. It's not uncommon to see a 10x perf difference between these two cases, and theoretically it could be as high as a 32x perf difference.
If you'd like more background on optimization for coalesced global memory access, try this presentation, especially slides 30-48.