Filter not equal is it supported in Elasticsearch SQL API

71 views Asked by At

According to Elasticsearch doc it doesn't support arrays in SQL api.

I ended up using filter but it's doesn't work for my case.

include product ids works fine

"body": {
            "query" :"SELECT email FROM orders WHERE  shop='domain' GROUP BY email,total_price", 
            "filter": { 
                 "term: { 
                            "line_items.product_id": "14141414"

but when i try to exclude some product ids by adding 'not' it doesn't work

"body": {
            "query" :"SELECT email FROM orders WHERE  shop='' GROUP BY email,total_price", 
            "filter": { 
                "not" : {
                   "filter" : {
                        "term": { 
                            "line_items.product_id": "1418646978625"

is it any trick for exclude ????? Thanks in advance


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