FileNotFoundError: fbs could not find executable 'makensis'. Please install NSIS and add its installation directory to your PATH envir onment variable

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I wanted to create an installer for my exe programm (with fbs). Then I saw that I need to install NSIS (Error: FileNotFoundError: fbs could not find executable 'makensis'. Please install NSIS and add its installation directory to your PATH envir onment variable). I did install NSIS. After that, I got the same error. Can somebody help me?


There are 4 answers

natefoust On

Try to install "HM NIS Edit", you can choose your makensis.exe following NSIS -> Configuration.

enter image description here

Anders On

NSIS does not automatically add itself to %Path% when you install it. If fbs cannot detect NSIS then I suppose you have to manually update the path variable yourself.

Amarnath Reddy Surapureddy On

Hi ckeck the location where NSIS software installed.

mine C:\Program Files (x86)\NSIS

when i try to uninstall it's showing correct file location then i am adding that file location to path user variabels



Temuujin Dev On

Add your NSIS directory into your environment variable. For example mine was C:\Program Files (x86)\NSIS and restart your powershell.