I am using VWQueueQuery class of filenet api to search a value in file property. Now the problem is that search results are case sensitive but I want case insensitive search to happen. How can I do that
Thanks in advance
P.S. Query which I am sending is some what like this:
qFilter=Status LIKE '%Open%' and WorkFlowType = 'File' and FileSubject LIKE '%test%'
vwQueueQuery = vwQueue.createQuery (sortParam, null, null, qFlag,qFilter, null, qType);
filenet process engine case insensitive query search
1k views Asked by Harvi At
The answer will differ based on your database. For DB2, try to see if FileNet SQL will accept the upper keyword like this: "select FIRSTNME from db2inst1.employee where upper(FIRSTNME) like 'EVA' "
REF: http://www.dbatodba.com/db2/how-to-do/how-to-do-search-ignoring-sensitive-case-on-db2