As a part of a before upload control, I check if added files actually match the filetype that their extension describes.
I do a filecheck using a hidden element. and if it fails, it gets removed after formdata
I check the files at the backend too, but I also want to check via File Reader process. All functions like createItems
or readItems
and so on, are working in all other cases, meaning that they return output of either null, true or false. While I get output from image and video files, audio files not at all. It should work.
The question is:
Does the file reader read audio
files differently compared to video
and image
The following is only a tiny block of the actual code.
Now the question is: Why it doesn't return output on audio files?.
are UI elements. Which is the element that I pull the files from.reader
is "new FileReader".what.filecount
is added while page init as readonly property.readItems
gives output on all kind off files,
However the UI html doesn't get updated if it is the file type is audio/
for (var oD = 0; oD < what.files.length; oD++)
var pL = false;
if (typeof window.dofile === 'undefined' || !window.dofile) { return; }
if (file_s.exec(file) && !what.multiple) { pL = true; }
if (what.files.length > what.filecount)
alert('too many files added. only ' + what.filecount + ' are allowed.');
what.value = '';
if (quest0 != null)
{ quest0.innerHTML = ('too many files added. only ' + what.filecount + ' are allowed.'); }
pL = true;
if ( !lastform.includes( ) { pL = false; }
if (what.files && what.files[oD] && pL == true)
if (file_prev != null)
if (file_prev.getAttribute('data-src') == '')
{file_prev.setAttribute('data-src', file_prev.src); }
file_prev.src = file_backsrc;
reader.onload = function(e)
if (typeof file_prev === 'undefined')
if (quest1 != null) { quest1.innerHTML = 'Error occoured'; }
if (file_p == 'img' || file_p == 'video' || file_p == 'audio')
{ file_prev.src =; }
if (file_p == 'canvas') { /*not yet*/ }
if (quest1 != null) { quest1.innerHTML = 'file done'; }
reader.onerror = function(e)
alert('There was an error with one of your file(s). Filename ' + what.files[oD].name + '');
what.value = '';
function waitfor(arr)
if (arr == null || arr.length == 0) { return; }
var aL = arr.length,
aL0 = arr.shift();
file_prev = _(aL0.file_prev);
lastfile = aL0.lastfile;
file_p = aL0.file_p;
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1250);
if (quest1 != null)
{ quest1.innerHTML = 'processing ' + file_p; }
if (what.multiple)
var oA = 0;
lastfile = what.files[oD].name;
for (oA; oA < dK.children.length; oA++)
var oB = what.files[oD], oB0, oB1;
if (oB.type.includes('im')) { file_p = 'img'; }
if (oB.type.includes('au')) { file_p = 'audio'; }
if (oB.type.includes('vi')) { file_p = 'video'; }
if (lastfile != what.files[oD].name || lastfilearr.length <= what.filecount)
oB0 = dK.children[oA];
if (oB0.nodeName.toLowerCase() == file_p && what.form.querySelectorAll(file_p)[oD] != null)
if ( /*oB0.getAttribute('data-src')==''&&*/ !lastfilearr.includes(what.files[oD].name))
oB0 = what.form.querySelectorAll(file_p)[oD];
file_prev = oB0;
oB0.setAttribute('data-src', lastfile);
oB1 = new Object({
'file_p': file_p,
'file': what.files[oD],
'kill': kill
createtoast(['Filechecker', 'the ' + what.files[oD].name + ' is getting checked.', 3e3, true, true, ['bg-info', 'text-dark', 'rounded', 'px-2', 'mx-1']]);
createItems('upload', 's', what.files[oD].name, 'name:' + what.files[oD].name + ';nr:' + oD + ';filesize:' + what.files[oD].size + ';filesizehuman:' + Math.abs(what.files[oD].size / 1024 / 1024).toFixed(2) + ';lastmodified:' + new Date(what.files[oD].lastModified).toUTCString() + ';type:' + what.files[oD].type + ';');
if (stoargearr.length == what.files.length) { waitfor(stoargearr); }
else { reader.readAsDataURL(what.files[oD]); }
Does the "File reader API" react different on audio files as it does on video or image files?
Thanks for any help.
here it goes.