Favicon not displaying in IE on a file:// URL

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I'm trying to add a favicon to a (simple) HTML page. It has to work on Internet Explorer only, I don't care about other browsers.


<!-- COMMENTS -->
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico"/>



Favicon Test
<a href="favicon.ico" target="_blank">Download</a>


It doesn't work. I tried in order: /favicon.ico, the absolute path in this format \\SERVER\...\favicon.ico, an http://randomDomain.com/favicon.ico http link, Base64 encoding of the .ico file, Base64 of png file but any solution is actually working. I'm 100% sure the .ico file is well designed. I was wondering if this problem is related to the fact that the page is actually hosted on a system where is not running an HTTP server. In fact, if i try to click on the Download link and then I look at image properties, the result is this

File protocol
(source: xomf.com)

HTTP protocol
(source: xomf.com)

Is there any solution? Consider that there wouldn't be a problem using an external http link but it doesn't work.

Many thanks


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